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Third Anniversary Picnic for Asian Congregation

Asian Baptist ChurchSeptember marks the Third Anniversary Celebration for the First Asian Baptist Church of Haddonfield where Reverend Hojin Yu is senior pastor. The Congregation is filled with young people who make their worship wonderful. Here they are taking time in there outdoor worship celebration to greet everyone and make them feel at home.

Praise Team Many of their members have to work on Sunday but those who can come for worship make every effort to attend. Many speak Burmese as there primary language so each aspect of the service is translated either into English or into Burmese. They enjoy the praise music and though they did not have instruments in the park celebration, they lifted their praise in song. Here the praise singers prepared to sing a selection from their song sheets. It was fun to hear the music of a chorus I knew sung in a number of different languages all at the same time. We had a great time praising God. The same was true with a time of sharing prayer concerns and being lead in prayer by Pastor Yu.
Deacons of FABCI was honored to preach at this third anniversary of a ministry that was birthed out of the First Baptist Church of Merchantville. When that church closed, the First Baptist Church of Haddonfield openned it's door for this congregation to meet in their facilities. The churches and pastors celebrate what God is doing through their ministries. For the past two summers they have shared in the Vacation Bible School and had a wonderful multicultural experience. It was great sharing in this rich heritage of missions and ministry right here in New Jersey. Rev. Michael Fiecht, senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Haddonfield joined in the anniversary program extending their joy and support to the congregation. Members from First Baptist Church also joined and assisted in the afternoon picnic and celebration. We are grateful for their mission support and spirit of partnership between the two congregations. Rev. Hojin Yu also serves as ABCNJ Associate Regional Pastor for Asian Ministries and is a vital member of our staff. He has a zeal for evangelism and feels called to the expanded ministry with the Burmese in our communities.