Reaching Out To Children in Costa Rica

In July, members of First Baptist Church of Westfield and First Baptist Church of Arlington participated in a mission trip to Costa Rica. The group of 14 adults, young adults and teenagers helped with a children's Christian camp geared towards unchurched children between the ages of 7-12. Local leaders ran the camp while financial support, supplies, transportation and scholarships were provided through fundraising efforts of the two ABCNJ churches. Health kits and other supplies were taken by the mission group and shared with the children and their parents. For the majority of the children this was their first Christian Camp experience. Parents were later invited to a meeting to discuss what their children learned at the camp and the importance of raising a child in the Christian faith. They were also encouraged to continue building their child's faith through church attendance and by tending to their own spiritual nurture.

If you would like more information or to view a video of the trip please contact First Baptist Church of Westfield or contact Rev. Sue Royle but using the form below.

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