Images From 2012 ABCNJ Annual Session


If you were present at the 42nd Annual Session of ABCNJ held on September 28-29, 2012, you would have seen me (at times unglamorously!) clambering all over the place with a camera. Yes, one of my duties at the Annual Session was to be the "official" photographer! I regret not being more sociable, but my attention had to be focused on catching the significant moments in what has become a spiritually powerful, moving, inspiring and joyful Annual Session. And now we have a photographic record of it! I invite you to click on the link below, and it will lead you to my FLICKR account and to a set with the 209 photos that I took in the course of the two days. I hope that they will bring good memories for those who were there, and give a sense of what took place for those who were not able to attend. I'm giving permission for you to download a copy of any photo that interests you. I just would like to request that you give me attribution should you use the photo elsewhere. Feel free to leave a comment on a photo or photos that touch you in a special way. I would be happy to hear from you!


2012 Annual Session Photos