Building a Healthier Kingdom

Dr. Anita Guiterrez and Rev. Sue Royle - Associate Regional Pastor for GoGlobal Mission Ministries Doctors Rick and  Anita Gutierrez serve as ABC missionaries in Durban, South Africa where they train and equip local people to combat lifestyle related diseases like HIV-Aids, diabetes, high blood pressure and malaria in their communities. These “health builders” also lead Bible studies and receive training in gardening and poultry skills to help promote good nutrition and provide income.

On Sunday, September 15th, Dr. Anita Gutierrez visited Living Word Baptist Church in Beachwood where Rev. Sue Royle serves as senior pastor. Dr. Anita shared about the work she and her husband Rick are doing as they try to build a "healthier kingdom" for the people of South Africa.

If you would like further information on the ministry of Doctors Rick and Anita Gutierrez please contact me using the form below.

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