ABCNJ Pastors, you have been summoned to testify!


[lead]ABCNJ summons our region’s clergy to help create a devotional book for 2016 which will be released at this year’s Annual Session! We are looking for clergy to submit one testimony (250 words maximum) focused on one of the 4 following journey themes:[/lead]

  • My Conversion Experience - “When or how did you first become aware that God was working in your life?”
  • My Baptism - “How did your baptism serve as a transformational moment in your life?”
  • My Call to Ministry - “How did God call you to ministry?”
  • An Encounter With God - “Describe a moment or story when you knew God was present or active in your life.”

Get involved! Submit your testimony by June 1, 2015! Send it to this dedicated address - You can submit your text in an email, or attach your word processing file to an email. [highlight]Please do not format your testimony, and do not send a pdf file[/highlight]. We will need your full name, your ministry position, and the name of your current church or organization. Testimonies will be edited for space and clarity. The final version will be sent to authors for approval prior to publication.