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ABCNJ Launched Christian Education Workshop: Leading Integrative and Engaging Bible Study at Calvary Baptist Church

Summer is over and yet the benefits of working with other churches to creatively think about and planFall Bible Studies is still paying off.  ABCNJ, lead by Elaine Cody and Rev. Jacobs-Strain, launched a Christian Education Bible Study Class this summer for pastors, teachers, facilitators and those interested  in teaching. Rev.  Dr. Joseph Oniyama, Sr. Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in East Orange hosted our first  L.I.B.S.TM workshop.  Assoc. Minister Robin Greene-Webb gathered many of Calvary's Christian Educators to lead the way. Several churches joined us from Asbury Park to Vaux Hall. Attendees included pastors, Sunday School Teachers, Youth leaders, and  Sunday School Superintendents. elaine-and-ginaOur primary tool was of course the Bible, but we also made use of accessible and low cost ways to augment our lessons so that all learners may participate. All attendees had the opportunity to prepare and share a mini Bible study and receive affirming feedback from their fellow Christian educators. If you missed the event please plan to join us at Drew Seminary on Saturday 10/22/16, 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon. The seminary is located at 36 Madison Ave., Madison NJ. For more information available and to register please follow this link. For additional information you may also contact Rev. Jacobs-Strain, Assoc. Regional Pastor for Women in Ministry at