Help with Ukraine Relief Efforts

The death, destruction, and deprivation of war are mounting in Ukraine. As we continue to watch the unfolding violence taking place in Ukraine, we invite you to keep our brothers and sisters in Ukraine in your prayers. Pray for protection and provision for those who suffer and for the peace to be restored. We also invite you to pray for our brothers and sisters in Russia, that God will give them the courage to pursue peace. 


The First Baptist Church of Freehold is working on collecting needed humanitarian supplies to be shipped to Poland and Romania, and from there, to be conveyed into conflict zones. Should you feel moved to participate, First Baptist Church of Freehold, located at 81 West Main Street, Freehold, NJ 07728, will serve as a collection point and a contact resource for this effort. If you have any questions, you may call the church office at 732-462-1105.


Below, you will find an appeal video and a list of needed items. 

Supply List:

In addition, persons wishing to support relief efforts can do so through their church, giving online or by sending checks directly to International Ministries. Please designate your contribution “OGHS - Ukraine Relief” in the memo line of your check.

Checks sent directly to International Ministries should be made payable to “International Ministries and mailed to: 

International Ministries
Attn: Gifts Processing (OGHS-Ukraine Relief)
1003 W 9th Avenue, Ste A
King of Prussia, PA 19406