Coming Together For New Jersey 2019

As I sit in my back yard watching the birds gathering things to make their nests God gently reminds me that he prepares a heavenly home for us which is warm, inviting, and beautiful. Best of all Jesus is there waiting for us. This gives me great comfort.

“Home,” whether it’s our eternal heavenly one or our space here on earth, is an important idea for people. It’s the place where we feel most at rest and comfortable — when we have a place to call “home” we are especially blessed.

It may be difficult to believe, but in 2019 there remain some Hurricane Sandy survivors who are still waiting to return home. To get them there these survivors need volunteers to come to New Jersey and help finish the rebuilding effort which began seven years ago. This is why ABCNJ remains active in the Coming Together For New Jersey initiative. If you’re interested in helping Sandy survivors return home this Summer, please consider volunteering for CTFNJ. It’s a blessing to others which will transform your life.

A house rendered uninhabitable by Super storm Sandy still waits to be rebuilt in Manasquan, NJ

A house rendered uninhabitable by Super storm Sandy still waits to be rebuilt in Manasquan, NJ

Work Week

July 13-20, 2019


Price includes housing and meals, volunteers are responsible for transportation.