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Testify! The Flyer

[lead]It's February, and the preparation for Annual Session is already under way! Mark your calendars now and get ready to register as soon as it becomes available.[/lead] Annual Session is a week earlier this year. Our pastors academy will be meeting [highlight]September 18[/highlight] and Annual Session will be held [highlight]September 19[/highlight].

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[label style="info" icon="clock-o"]Early Bird[/label] – $79

[label style="info" icon="calendar-o"]Pre-Registraton[/label] – $99

[label style="info" icon="book"]Registration & Walk-In[/label] – $109

[label style="info" icon="smile-o"]Children 6–12[/label] – $18

[label style="info" icon="smile-o"]Children 5 & Under[/label] – Free

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Click/Tap the image below to download this flyer in PDF format. AS2015 Testify Flyer [/column] [/raw]