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Annual Session is Coming!

The unofficial end of Summer has passed, and the region office is beginning it's final preparations for Annual Session 2014! This year we have a fantastic slate of speakers, wonderful music, a new format, and a buzzer.  If you want to know what the buzzer is for, you'll just have to register for the event!  Click on the gallery below for a few of this year's highlights. [gallery type="rectangular" ids="10052,10053,10054,10055,10056"]


Registration – 7:30 AM
Session begins – 8:30AM


Hyatt-Regency, Newsbrunswick
2 Albany St.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

If you want even more information on Annual Session, please visit our Annual Session web-site. If you would like to register, just click or tap the button below and you'll be wisked away to our online registration page.

Register Now Button